Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Favorite Things, Part 1

I've been procrastinating on the blog primarily because I didn't have anything entertaining to say. The funniest thing to happen to me in the last couple weeks was when I sent one of my short stirrup kids into the show ring with her pants on backwards. Trainer fail, and now the child will have to hear that story for the rest of her life (she still was reserve champion in the division, clearly wearing your clothes properly is not mandatory). In my defense, her mom didn't notice either.

So in lieu of funny things, and prompted by last night's entertainment, here are a few things that I love a lot right now:

1. StageIt. Usually for about $5, you can watch concerts from the comfort of your own home. Generally the artist is also chilling at home, or on a tour bus, or wherever. I came across it because I'm obsessed with Jaron and the Long Road to Love, and his brother Evan started StageIt (yes, Evan and Jaron. Yes, you will sing Crazy for this Girl all day. You're welcome.). They both do shows fairly regularly, and there are some other "names" that use it as well, mostly country music at this point. I saw Jessica Andrews last night, and Debbie Gibson a couple months ago.

2. Angry Birds. I have a Droid, but it's kind of the baby of the Droid family and games freeze up pretty readily unless the stars have aligned. But now Angry Birds is on Google Chrome, and I spent like 3 days last week playing it. It's more fun than Words With Friends, which is pretty much the only game I can use on my phone.

3. My super-cool intak water bottle. We do a Secret Santa type thing at the farm every year and last Christmas brought me a really nice water bottle, which is currently sitting on my desk. I'm trying to cut back on the Diet Coke, so having this to carry around is helping a LOT.

4. Air conditioning. I have a window unit in my living room which I spent most of yesterday evening practically lying on top of. Second floor apartments in old rowhomes get pretty toasty, and I like my heat to come with sunshine and a tan, not just sweating and grossness.

5. Sutton Foster. Yes, I have a thing about musical theater. Yes, I like to post umpteen million youtube videos and articles about the shows I've seen/am about to see. I also know that pretty much the only people who enjoy this are my mother and my trainer's partner, who is not actually my Facebook friend but checks my page out regularly anyway. But let me clue you in: Sutton Foster is a little bit brilliant. I go to NYC to see shows I know nothing about just because she's in them.

Okay, done playing Oprah for today. Tune in next time...

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