Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sometimes you get lucky...

Sometimes you get lucky and stumble into your lifelong passion at age 9.

Sometimes you get lucky and that barn your non-horsey parents send you to not only gives you a wonderful start, but introduces you to people who will be important forever.

Sometimes you get lucky and that trainer who made you cry every time he opened his mouth until you were 13 ends up being your mentor, your friend, and your favorite person in the world.

Sometimes you get lucky and the trainer you find at the barn down the street finds you the horse of a lifetime, and sends you down the path to your dream job with the knowledge to do it, and no fear that it won't happen.

Sometimes you get lucky and that random barn that had enough stalls when it was time to move ends up being your home for 15 years.

Sometimes you get lucky and have family members who don't hesitate to help when that horse of a lifetime needs to come home to retire (or teach lessons for another 8 years).

Sometimes you get lucky and that insane, broken mess of a horse in the barn becomes your saving grace when life falls apart.

Sometimes you get lucky and find clients and horses who continue to teach, inspire, and challenge you every day, because you can't leave everything up to luck.