Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starting Up

Over the last few months, more than a few of my Facebook friends have started spamming my NewsFeed with blog posts. Of course, by "spamming" I actually mean "giving me something to do at work that's not actually work."

This of course got me thinking about starting my own blog. See, once upon a time I used to write A LOT. Like, binders and notebooks full of stories since I was about 10 years old. Then I got out of college, started hanging out in the barn 60 hours a week, and the writing brain slowly fizzled out. Last year, at the age of 29, I decided it was time to become an adult, which meant less* time at the farm and an office that pays me really well to write letters and answer the phone. So I'm thinking that means that it's also time to pick the writing back up. It's probably not too late to pick up that idea of writing the Great American Novel and being able to go back to playing in the barn all day...

*by less, I of course mean the same amount of work crammed into 3 days instead of 7.

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