Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crazy animal rights wackos (is that PC enough?)

I'm not going to use my blog as a political soapbox, mostly because when I don't have all the facts, I tend not to want to say anything at all. I started writing about the animal rights activists demonstrating at the American Girl store in NYC this week (which, facts or no, horrifies me on about 10 levels), but don't have the numbers/facts to back up what I'm saying. I know, it's a shocking idea in this day and age to not write about something if you don't know enough to be sure of it, but that's how I roll.

That said, I don't need facts or numbers to say this: PETA, Humane Society of the United States, Friends of Animals.... if you give money to any of these organizations thinking that you're doing something good in honor of your furry friends, think again. They're not interested in long-term animal welfare, they're interested in the big "hot button" issues (like the carriage horses in NYC or hunting in any format), and have no problem traumatizing small children on their way to what they consider to be the right result. I also have yet to find anyone involved with any of these groups who can tell me what would happen to the animals in question if the animal rights groups were able to "liberate" them.

I leave you all with this fabulous statement: "We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding...One generation and out. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding." Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP of Humane Society of the US, formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, Animal People, May, 1993  (Ah yes, that just screams "wants to do what's best for the animals in question," doesn't it?)

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